Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Thank you to everyone who took time from their day to come visit with me during conferences. It is so helpful to talk with you and hear your perspective. We had 100% participation in conferences which may be a first for me in all 17 years! THANK YOU!!

Winter Break
As we approach winter break, please remember to build in time during your day to read with your child. It is so important to keep up this habit. For some kids we are really making headway and I would hate for them to lose all of their progress over the break.

Also, don't forget to logon to ixl.com for some math practice. It's fun for me to get the weekly reports to see which kids are using the site. Hopefully it provides some fun and engaging extra math practice for them.

We are now entering the last section of our first unit in writing. The kids are learning how to write TRUE stories. Here is the process they are following:
  1. think of something that happened or that you did
  2. with pictures and words tell
  • who was there
  • where you were
  • what happened
    3. use speech bubbles

It's simply amazing the progress these kids are making in such a short amount of time!

Caring for Sharing
A big thank you to everyone who donated items for Caring Through Sharing! Hopefully we will make someone's Christmas a little brighter!

After School Movie
Another After School Movie is coming on Dec. 18th. More info. to follow!

Popcorn Friday
We are doing a make-up popcorn day this Friday Dec. 13th. Remember to send your child with just ONE quarter. They are not allowed to buy for another or give their quarters away. Thank you!

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