Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Graduation, Music Concert & Field Day

TOMORROW June 4th is field day. Please make sure your child is wearing PE type clothing.

Graduation and music concert are next Tuesday June 10th beginning at 9:15. The students will march in by class wearing their graduation caps (super cute photo opportunity!). They will then file onto the music bleachers and the music concert will begin. We expect the concert to be over  by 10am.

Just a note: because our kindergarten group is so large, some of the classes will be holding their concert on a different day.

I can't believe this year is coming to a close! This will be my last kindergarten class. Next year I will be teaching 2nd grade (disclaimer: staff may change over the summer due to fluctuating enrollment). It has been such a pleasure teaching these kiddos this year. They have made some INCREDIBLE growth this year!

~Mrs. Perry

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