Monday, February 10, 2014

Classroom Update!

Just when I feel like we are all settled in coming off of the winter break, we are now in the last week until mid-winter break! Where did the time go?

Many students have a difficult time transitioning back into "school mode" after a break. Take some time this week and have your child tell you all the good choices they are making in class that help them learn. Then, review that list with them before they come back to school on Feb. 24th. It would be great if we could just pick up where we left off!

Lots of good learning going on in the classroom these days. Here's what we've been up to!

Reading: We are continuing our Making Meaning comprehension curriculum. We just started a unit on non-fiction. The skill we are focusing on is listening for information.
During the phonics portion of our reading time, we are learning about word chunks which will help with the reading strategy of "chunky monkey". Th, sh, ch, wh and ar are some of the word chunks we have learned about.
Currently I am conducting our reading assessments. I hope to be finished by the end of the week. Lots of kids are improving in their reading! We still have a big jump to get to by the end of the year though. Consistent practice of reading at home is essential for your child's reading success. Kids who read at home always show more growth than those who do not read at home.

Writing: We are continuing our writing about 'true stories'. I have really seen some growth in the kid's writing recently. The students are learning to use the word wall and their own personal dictionaries in class to help them edit their spelling.

Math: We are currently learning and practicing counting and working on problem solving.

Have a great week!

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