Friday, September 20, 2013

Newsletter #2

We are in the swing of things now in kindergarten. This week we added something new to our day. In the afternoon we are now doing learning centers. There are four centers that the kids rotate throughout the week. The centers are enrichment and/or skills based.. For example, the week the students have been counting dots on a domino and matching it with the correct digits in, Domino Parking Lot. They have been doing a letter identification center called Letters in My Name and ABC Stamps. Finally, the kids are working through a series of skills on the computer.
We also refined our class rule. There are three components to a good classroom; making good decisions, being a problem solver and respecting others. We boil all that down into one phrase: Make good choices that don’t cause a problem for anyone . If we agree to do this as a class, we will have fun, stay safe and learn.
Monday is the last day for walkathon forms to be turned in. Hopefully we will have nice weather next Thursday!
In our literacy block, we have been focusing on letter identification and sounds through working with names. We have made many class books that the kids are enjoying reading. In our comprehension work, students are learning about cause and effect through the book, If You Give A Mouse A Muffin
During our math instructional time, our focus has been on graphing and patterns. We have graphed the letters in our name, the dates of our birthdays and how old we are. We have also explored patterns through multisensory pathways such as sound and movement.
Have a wonderful weekend!
~Mrs. Perry

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