Monday, November 25, 2013

IXL Math Website

I wanted to remind you of our new math practice website called IXL. Earlier this year I sent home a purple piece of paper with your username and password.

Each week I get a report of which students are accessing the website and how long they stay on the sight. I also get a report of what skills they are learning. It's exciting to see some of the students taking advantage of this web site.

Please let me know if you need a reminder of your username and password. This would be great math practice for the Thanksgiving weekend!

~Mrs. Perry

Game Day!

In our math curriculum, we have projects at the end of each unit. We are at the end of Unit 3 now and the project is GAMES!

On Wednesday we will be having game day. We will spend the morning playing all types of games. Feel free to send in a game (board or card) with your child. Please label your game clearly and send the game in a paper or plastic bag. It will also be helpful if you lightly tape the box closed so the top doesn't come off in transport.

The games will be sent back home for you to enjoy over the Thanksgiving holiday.

Thanks for your help!
~Mrs. Perry

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Here’s what we’ve been up to in kindergarten!
Harvest Party: A BIG thank you to those who helped contribute and plan the Harvest party. The kids had so much fun and it was the perfect amount celebration for a school day. I will send some pictures via email when I get a chance.
Literacy: All of my assessments are now completed and we are on to our typical literacy rotations. I am so thankful that we have so many parents who volunteer to be in the classroom during this time. It really makes a difference and allows me to fully focus on my guided reading groups. I meet with guided reading groups twice a week. This is a time where I can meet with your child in a small group and target my instruction by choosing leveled books and I really get a chance to listen carefully to your child. We have introduced the strategy of “Eagle Eye” this week. Basically, this means that readers should look at the picture to help them decode unfamiliar words.
Writing: We have now successfully launched our writer’s workshop! We are now onto learning to write informational text by creating teaching books. Look for these books to come home soon!
Math: Subtraction and measurement have been our focus in math. Many of our activities are completed in class and are on a conceptual level. We just completed a review of the numbers and that packet will be coming home soon.
Handwriting: Lowercase letters are just around the corner! We are finishing up our last few uppercase letters. It’s amazing to see the progress in each child’s writing!
Bucket Filler Assembly: We had a very engaging assembly on Friday about how to be a ‘bucket filler’. There is a children’s book that I have read to the students to go along with the learning. Being a bucket filler means you are kind to people.
Conferences: If you have not signed up for conferences, please do so here: